South Africa

Judge Mandela Makaula Biography, Wiki, Age, Qualifications, Salary, Wife, Children and Family

Judge Mandela Makaula Biography – Judge Mandela Makaula Wiki

Judge Mandela Makaula is the Judge of the High Court, Eastern Cape Division. He was born on 6 May 1964.

Mandela Makaula’s legal career started as a clerk and court interpreter in the mid-80s. He worked his way up to become a prosecutor and then magistrate. He practised at law firm Makuala Zilwa & Co, for two years. He was appointed to the Eastern Cape Division of the High Court in 2010.

Judge Mandela Makaula Age

He was born on 6 May 1964.

Judge Mandela Makaula Qualifications

He holds a BJuris (1986) and LLB from the University of Transkei and an LLM from Georgetown University in the United States (1993).

Judge Mandela Makaula Profile

Date of birth: 6 May 1964
BJuris, University of Transkei (1986)
LLB, University of Transkei
LLM. Georgetown University, U.S.A. (1993)


Judge of the High Court, Eastern Cape Division (2010 – )
Attorney, Makaula Zilwa & Co (1993 – 2010)
Articled clerk, DZ Dukada & Co attorneys (1990 – 1992)
Magistrate (1988 – 1990)
Prosecutor (1986 – 1988)
Clerk, interpreter (1984 – 1985)
Member, NADEL (1990 – 2010)

Transkei Attorneys Association

Chairperson (2008 – 2009)
Member (1993 – 2010)

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