Buku Abi Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Parents, Height, Siblings, Family, Net Worth, Ethnicity and Instagram

Buku Abi Biography – Buku Abi Wiki

Buku Abi born Joann Lee Kelly, is an American singer and the eldest daughter of singer-songwriter R. Kelly and choreographer Andrea Kelly.

In 2015, she collaborated with her father R. Kelly on the song “Wanna Be There,” an intense, personal duet about once-estranged daughter and father reuniting.

Buku Abi Age

She was born on March 19, 1998 in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Buku Abi Parents

She is the daughter of singer-songwriter R. Kelly and choreographer Andrea Kelly.

Buku Abi Siblings

She has two siblings, Jay Kelly who was born in 2000 as Jaya, and Robert Kelly Jr. who was born in 2002.

Buku Abi Ethnicity

She is of African-American ethnicity.

Buku Abi Mother

Joann Lee Kelly (Buku Abi)’s mother isĀ Andrea Danyell Lee, American choreographer, dancer and actress.

Buku Abi on Surviving R. Kelly

Buku Abi on her Instagram story on January 10, 2019 addressed the sexual assault allegations surrounding her father, R. Kelly. The statement on her Instagram story read:

“Buku here. I just want to say a few things…Before I start, I just want it to be known I am speaking from the heart, nothing I say or do not say is to hurt ANY party reading this or affected by this

To the people that feel I should be speaking up/against everything that is going on right now. I just want you all to understand that devastated is an understatement for all that I feel currently I do apologize if my silence to all that is happening comes off as careless. That is my last intention. I pray for all the families & women who have been affected by my father’s actions. Trust, I have been deeply affected by all of this.

However, It has been very difficult to process it all. Let alone gather all the right words to express everything I feel. Anyone that knows me personally or has been following me throughout the years knows that I do not have a relationship with my father. Nor do I speak on him or on his behalf. I also am not fond of dealing with my personal issues or personal life through social media but, I feel things are starting to get out of hand.

Unfortunately, for my own personal reasonings & for all my family has endured in regards to him, his life decisions and his last name, it has been years since my siblings and I have seen or have spoken to him. In regards to my mother, she for the same reasonings and more, has not seen or spoken to my father in years. My mother, siblings and I would never condone, support or be a part of ANYTHING negative he has done and or continues to do in his life.

Going through all I have gone through in my life, I would never want anyone to feel the pain I have felt. Reminders of how terrible my father is, and how we should be speaking up against him, rude comments about my family, fabricating me, my siblings & our mothers “part” etc. Does not help my family (Me, my sister, my brother, and my mother) in our healing process. Nor does it allow a safe space for other victims who are scared to speak up, speak up.

The same monster you all confronting me about is my father. I am well aware of who and what he is. I grew up in that house. My choice to not speak on him and what he does is for my peace of mind. My emotional state. And for MY healing. I have to do & move in a manner that is best for me. I pray anyone who reads this understands I put nothing but good intent behind each word. It took me nearly 3 days to write this. I just want everyone to know that I do care and I love you all. This is a very difficult subject to speak on… again, I apologize if my words don’t come out right..

To everyone who reached out to my family and I, sending good energy and loveā€¦Thank you. You guys really helped push us through this hard time. This past year for my family has been very difficult, all the love and support you all continue to show is why we keep going. You all fuel us. Family, friends, followers, fans, etc..I love you guys to pieces. Your love is appreciated & always will be reciprocated. For anyone new to my page, I just ask when you come here you bring peace & nothing else.

Love, Buku Abi.”

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Lol @ life, ur really out doing ur self this month.

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