Vatiswa Ndara Biography, Wiki, Age, Husband, Daughter, Open Letter, Family, Net Worth, Contact Details and Instagram
Vatiswa Ndara Biography
Vatiswa Ndara is a South African actress and media personality. She has starred in local television productions including Generations as well as other popular shows such as Tsha Tsha, Gaz’lam, Home Affairs and Society.
In 2006 she won the inaugural SAFTA award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Miriam in Home Affairs.
She’s played the role of ruthless soccer club boss Neo Moloto in the drama series Shooting Stars.
In October 2008, The International Academy of Arts And Sciences announced Vatiswa as a juror of the 2008 International Emmy Awards. She judged in the category Best Performance By An Actress.
In 2011 she joined the cast of the SABC2 parliamentary drama series 90 Plein Street as a regular cast member, playing the role of Bukiwe.
In 2014 she had a starring role in the SABC1 drama series Mfolozi Street and the SABC1 political thriller Ihawu le Sizwe.
Vatiswa Ndara Age
Vatiswa Ndara was born on 28 September 1970. She is 49 years old.
Vatiswa Ndara Open Letter
Vatiswa Ndara wrote a six-page open letter to arts and culture minister Nathi Mthethwa which was shared on Twitter on October 8 2019. The letter alleged that Connie and Shona Ferguson’s company, Ferguson Films, mistreated actors.
AN OPEN LETTER TO MINISTER OF SPORTS, ARTS & CULTURE @NathiMthethwaSA + @asandamagaqa#actor #acting #actorslivesmatter#DiaryOfAMadFrustratedActor#StopExploitingActors#TheShowMustGoOn#IAmAnActorSA#SouthAfrica
β Vatiswa Ndara (@theVati_Can) October 7, 2019