Quaden Bayles (9 year old Bullied) Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Parents, Family, Fake, Net Worth, Nationality and Instagram
Quaden Bayles Bio – Quaden Bayles Wiki
Quaden Bayles is a 9-year-old born with Achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism. In an emotional video shared on Facebook on February 21, 2020, by Quaden Bayles’ mother, Yarraka Bayles, Quaden is seen crying after a bullying incident at school.
Quaden says in the video, “I’m going to die right now… give me a knife, I’m going to kill myself. Give me a knife now so I can stab myself in the heart. You watch me.” He adds, “I want someone to kill me…I want to die.”
Quaden’s mother, Yarraka Bayles, is heard saying in the background: “I’ve just picked up my son from school, witnessed a bullying episode, rang the principal, and I want people [to] know, parents, educators teachers, this is the effects that bullying has, this is what bullying does.”
Quaden Bayles Age
Quaden Bayles is 9 years old.
Quaden Bayles GoFundMe
Comedian Brad Williams set up a GoFundMe to help raise funds to send Quaden Bayles and his mother to Disneyland. A statement on the GoFundMe page reads, “9 year old Quaden is an amazing boy from Australia with dwarfism. One day when his mother picked him up from school, she found Quaden in hysterics. Quaden was being bullied so horribly in school, that he just could not take it anymore. His mother filmed his tearful outcry and put it on Facebook to let people know the effect that bullying can have. The bullying was so severe, in the video Quaden can be heard saying “Give me a knife—I want to kill myself.” I’m setting up this GoFundMe to let Quaden know that bullying will not be tolerated, and that he is a wonderful human being who deserves joy. I want to fly Quaden and his mother to America, get them a nice hotel, and bring them to Disneyland.
“This isn’t just for Quaden, this is for anyone who has been bullied in their lives and told they weren’t good enough. Let’s show Quaden and others, that there is good in the world and they are worthy of it. I have been in touch directly with Quaden’s mother. So I will have their information to book the flights. Funds raised will be spent on two airplane tickets for Quaden and his mother from Australia to Los Angeles. As well as providing a hotel, food, and tickets to Disneyland Park in Anaheim for multiple days. After all the flights, hotel, tickets, and food is paid for, any excess money will be donated to anti-bullying/anti-abuse charities.”
Quaden Bayles Nationality
Quaden Bayles is of Australian nationality.
Quaden Bayles Instagram
Quaden Bayles’ Instagram account @Quadossss is set to private.
Quaden Bayles Fake – Quaden Bayles Scam
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