Madeleine Mccann Bio, Wiki, Age, Parents, Siblings, Eye, Documentary, Theories Reddit and Latest News
Madeleine McCann Biography – Madeleine McCann Wiki
Madeleine Mccann full name Madeleine Beth McCann, disappeared on 3 May 2007 aged 3 while on holiday with her family in Portugal.
Parents Gerry and Kate left their three children; Madeleine, twins Sean and Amelie, sleeping in their apartment while they dined at a nearby tapas bar.
When Kate returned to check on the kids at around 10pm that evening, she discovered that Maddie was not in her bed and was missing.
In September 2017, Gerry and Kate were sensationally named as ‘arguidos’ by Portuguese police. While arguido is often translated as ‘suspect’, it actually means a person being questioned under caution.
The following summer the McCanns were cleared by investigators in Portugal who declared they had exhausted all avenues in the case.
In 2010, Maddie’s distraught parents met with then-home secretary Theresa May to talk about the hunt for their daughter.
In 2011, the Scotland Yard launched its own review, named Operation Grange, into the case at the behest of the future PM. Two years later Scotland Yard said it had uncovered new leads while Portuguese police reopened their case. In October 2015, Operation Grange was scaled down from 29 detectives to just four.
Madeleine Mccann Age
Madeleine Beth McCann was born on 12 May 2003 in Leicester, England, United Kingdom.
Madeleine Mccann Parents
Madeleine Mccann was born to Gerald Patrick McCann and Kate Healy McCann. They were both born in 1968 and live in Rothley, Leicestershire. They are Roman Catholics. They met in 1993 in Glasgow and were married five years later.
Kate is from Huyton, near Liverpool and graduated in 1992 with a degree in medicine from the University of Dundee. After graduation Kate moved briefly into obstetrics and gynaecology, then anaesthesiology, and finally general practice. She quit her job as a GP to devote her life to working for children’s charities.
Kate never returned to her part-time job as a locum after daughter Madeleine’s disappearance and handed in her notice in 2008.
Gerald McCann was born in Glasgow and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a BSc in physiology/sports science in 1989. In 1992 he qualified in medicine and in 2002 obtained his MD. Since 2005 he has been a consultant cardiologist at Glenfield Hospital, Leicester.
He is a renowned consultant cardiologist and a professor of cardiac imagery. Professor McCann, as he is now titled, prides himself on having “established a national and growing international reputation as an expert in Cardiac MRI (magnetic reasoning imaging)” – or scanning.
Madeleine Mccann Siblings
Madeleine Mccann’s siblings are younger brother and sister, Sean and Amelie. They are twins who were born in February 2005.
Madeleine Mccann Eye
Madeleine McCann has a mark of the extremely rare condition in her right eye. The condition is called a coloboma of the iris. Coloboma can affect the iris, lens and retina. A coloboma occurs when the eye fails to develop fully while the baby is in the womb. It leaves part of the structure missing, creating a gap.
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