Celebrity Deaths 2021

Bob Dole Wiki, Age, Wife, Children, Family, Net Worth, Cause of Death, Obituary, Funeral, Smoke, House, Hand, First Marriage, First Wife, Grandchildren, Daughter,

Bob Dole Biography – Bob Dole Wiki

Bob Dole (born Robert Joseph Dole) was an American politician and attorney who represented Kansas in the United States Senate from 1969 to 1996. Prior to his 27 years in the Senate, he served in the United States House of Representatives from 1961 to 1969.

He was born Robert Joseph Dole on July 22, 1923, in Russell. He enrolled at the University of Kansas in September 1941. Shortly after Pearl Harbor, Dole left the University of Kansas to join the Army’s Enlisted Reserve Corps. Called to active duty in June of 1943, he entered officer candidate school at Fort Benning, Georgia. Soon he was on board a troop ship headed for Italy. In February 1945, Second Lieutenant Dole was sent to fill a vacancy in Company I Third Battalion, Tenth Mountain Division. This famed Division was tasked with dislodging German troops from deeply entrenched positions in the Apennine Mountains north of Bologna.

On the morning of April 14, 1945, Dole led his platoon up the heavily mined slopes of Hill #913. While retrieving the lifeless form of his platoon’s radio man, Dole was severely wounded by enemy fire. His right arm was shredded, and his collarbone crushed. Paralyzed from the neck down, Dole lay where he fell for ten hours, until he could be evacuated to a field hospital in Pistoia, Italy. After a grueling series of innovative surgeries, Dole recovered the use of his left arm, though not his right.

While still a student at Washburn Law School in Topeka, he was elected to the Kansas House of Representatives in 1950. Rather than seek re-election, he returned to Russell, entered private law practice and was elected District Attorney. Dole won his first congressional race in 1960. He went on to become elected a senator and served in the Senate from 1969 until 1996; he was also the Republican national chairman in 1971.

In 2007, Dole co-chaired with Secretary Donna Shalala, the President’s Commission on the Care of America’s Returning Wounded Warriors, established in the wake of revelations about inadequate care afforded to some Iraqi war veterans. The Commission offered groundbreaking recommendations on the management of care for our wounded and injured service members.

In 2015, Senator Dole accepted the position of finance chairman of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission to honor forever another humble son of Kansas, WWII’s Supreme Allied Commander and the 34th President of the United States. In recognition of Dole’s leading role in bringing much-needed momentum to the campaign, President Donald Trump appointed Dole to the commission in 2019. The Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial was officially dedicated along the National Mall the following year.

In 2019, General Mark Milley, then Chief of Staff of the Army, launched an effort to promote Senator Dole from Captain to the honorary rank of Colonel in the U.S. Army. The Senate voted for the promotion unanimously. It was passed by the House of Representatives and signed into law by President Trump. General Milley, speaking at the promotion ceremony, highlighted the fact that only three individuals in American history had received such an honor—George Washington, Meriwether Lewis of Lewis and Clark fame, and Bob Dole.

Dole’s best-selling World War II memoir, One Soldier’s Story, chronicles his harrowing experience on and off the battlefield. It was written to provide the lessons learned through his struggle to survive and to inspire today’s disabled veterans with the knowledge that they, too, can live productive and fulfilling lives. He also authored the books Great Political Wit: Laughing (Almost) All the Way to the White House, Great Presidential Wit: I Wish I Was In The Book, and Unlimited Partners, an autobiography co-written with his wife, Elizabeth.

He privately established many charitable endeavors, including Washburn Law School Scholarships for People with Disabilities; Fort Hays State University Scholarships in memory of his sisters; and the Bina and Doran Dole Scholarship Fund for Russell, Kansas area students with disabilities.

Bob Dole Age

Robert Joseph Dole was born July 22, 1923, in Russell, Kansas. He died on December 5, 2021. He was 98 years old.

Bob Dole Wife

He was married twice. On December 6, 1975, Dole married his second wife, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, a member of the Federal Trade Commission and former deputy to President Nixon’s Special Assistant for Consumer Affairs, Virginia Knauer.

She would go on to enjoy a distinguished career as Assistant to the President for Public Liaison and Secretary of Transportation for President Reagan, Secretary of Labor under President George H.W. Bush, President of the American Red Cross, and U.S. Senator from her home state of North Carolina. She established and heads the Elizabeth Dole Foundation to raise awareness of the enormous contributions and challenges of the 5.5 million military and veteran caregivers – young spouses, mothers, dads, and other loved ones caring for America’s wounded warriors at home. The Foundation provides solutions and services for these hidden heroes by leading a powerful coalition spanning the public and private sectors, nonprofit organizations and the faith community.

Bob Dole First Wife

He was married to his first wife Phyllis Holden Dole from 1948 until their divorce in 1972. The couple had a child together, Robin Dole, born in 1954. His first wife, Phyllis Holden Macey, died on April 22, 2008.

Bob Dole Children

He had a daughter, Robin Carol Dole, from his first marriage to Phyllis Holden Dole.

Bob Dole Family

He was the second of four children born to Doran and Bina Dole of Russell, Kansas, a small town on the plains of western Kansas. His father sold dairy products and his mother was a traveling saleswoman, selling sewing machines and other products. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, his daughter, Robin Carol Dole, nine nieces and nephews and their families.

Bob Dole Death

Bob Dole died on December 5, 2021, at the age of 98. His death was announced in a statement from the Elizabeth Dole Foundation: “It is with heavy hearts we announce that Senator Robert Joseph Dole died early this morning in his sleep. At his death, at age 98, he had served the United States of America faithfully for 79 years.”

President Joe Biden, who had visited Bob and his wife Elizabeth Dole at their home in Washington in February shortly after he announced he had been diagnosed with lung cancer, paid tribute to Bob in a statement: “Bob was an American statesman like few in our history. A war hero and among the greatest of the Greatest Generation. And to me, he was also a friend whom I could look to for trusted guidance, or a humorous line at just the right moment to settle frayed nerves. I will miss my friend. But I am grateful for the times we shared, and for the friendship Jill and I and our family have built with Liddy and the entire Dole family.

“Bob was a man to be admired by Americans. He had an unerring sense of integrity and honor. May God bless him, and may our nation draw upon his legacy of decency, dignity, good humor, and patriotism for all time.”

A statement on the Robert Dole Memorial site said: “Thank you for the outpouring of love over the last year, it continues to sustain us as we grieve the loss of the precious man we knew as husband and father. Bob Dole was never only ours – we shared him with Americans from every walk of life and every political persuasion. He dedicated his life to serving you, and so it is heartwarming that so many honor him at his passing.

America has lost one of its heroes; our family has lost its rock. We will smile as we recall his gifted sense of humor. We will take comfort from the extraordinary moments of our lifetimes together.

Bob Dole never forgot where he came from. He embodied the integrity, humor, compassion and unbounded work ethic of the wide open plains of his youth. He was a powerful voice for pragmatic conservatism, and it was that unique Kansan combination of attributes and values that made him such a giant of the Senate.

Our grief is softened by our gratitude for having shared in so vibrant a life. May God receive His son home with love and the most important phrase of all time, “Well done, good and faithful servant.””

Bob Dole Cause of Death

A cause of death was not revealed. He had announced in February 2021 that he had Stage IV lung cancer and that he was beginning treatment.

Bob Dole Net Worth

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Bob Dole and his wife Elizabeth Dole have a combined net worth of $40 million.

Bob Dole Funeral – Bob Dole Obituary

Funeral arrangements for Bob Dole are forthcoming. In lieu of flowers, the Dole family requests that contributions/donations be made to the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics.