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James Lewis Auctioneer Wife, Illness, Children, Family, Age, Wiki, Weight Loss, Net Worth, Height

James Lewis Biography – James Lewis Wiki

James Lewis is an auctioneer and antiques expert. He is regularly seen as an antiques expert on Flog It!, The Antiques Road Trip, Bargain Hunt, Cash In The Attic, Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is and is heard on numerous BBC radio shows.

James studied a degree in fine art and auctioneering at Southampton before commencing his career briefly in London before joining leading provincial firm Neales of Nottingham in 1993. He is the founder and Director of Bamfords Auctioneers and Valuers.

James is a regular face and voice on television and radio. His long-running television career started with the hit BBC show Flog It in 2002. He has also worked on Bargain Hunt, Cash in the Attic, Trade Secrets, Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is and the BAFTA winning Antiques Road Trip. His most recent role sees him taking a more serious path in broadcasting with the excellent documentary Treasures of the Sikh Nation.

James is a passionate wildlife supporter and a patron of the Born Free foundation alongside Virginia McKenna, Joanna Lumley, Gaby Roslin and Nick Knowles. He is also a patron of The Gorilla Organisation alongside Stanley Johnson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gordon Buchanan and Daryl Hannah.

James Lewis Age

Auctioneer James Lewis was born in January 1972.

James Lewis Wife

Celebrity TV auctioneer James Lewis is married to Annabel Lewis.

James Lewis Children

Bargain Hunt auctioneer James Lewis lives in Queensway, Derby, with his wife Annabel Lewis and their children. James and his family have been very supportive with raising funds and improving the profile of Derbyshire Toy Libraries. His daughter has been a member of Toy Library since birth.

James Lewis Family

James Lewis was adop­ted at eight weeks old. He has a brother, sis­ter and nephew. His mother had died on the very day he was taken ill film­ing the Antiques Road Trip in 2013. His birth father is still alive and has been involved in antiques in Glas­gow. He said: “I discovered that my siblings are very concerned with animal charities and my birth father has the antiques connection – how strange is that?”

James Lewis Health

In 2013, James had to can­cel the final day’s film­ing for the BBC pro­gramme Antiques Road Trip after pains and a short­ness of breath was detec­ted by a local hos­pital as a heart prob­lem.

He said: “I thought because I carry a lot of weight that the heart trouble might be because of that and I was also con­cerned that any heart con­di­tion is genetic. The only prob­lem is that I was adop­ted at eight weeks old and did not know my fam­ily back­ground until I set about try­ing to find out more about them three years ago.”

“I dis­covered there is no fam­ily his­tory of heart trouble, but also that my sib­lings are very con­cerned with animal charities and my birth father has the antiques con­nec­tion – how strange is that?”

On 16 September 2018, auctioneer James Lewis had a serious cardiac arrest while watch­ing his daugh­ter rid­ing at an eques­trian centre near Leek. He spent two weeks in hos­pital dur­ing which he had a defib­ril­lator device inser­ted into his chest.

James told the Derby Telegraph: “I remem­ber none of this. I had no prior warn­ing, no pains or any­thing. I just remem­ber com­ing round to find myself sur­roun­ded by med­ical people and someone stick­ing an adren­aline line into my shin, which really hurt.

“See­ing all the people, I really thought I was dying. The air ambu­lance had been called although I did not need it, and instead I was taken by emer­gency ambu­lance to hos­pital in Stoke, which was nearest.

“All I was con­cerned about was that my 10-year-old daugh­ter, Ara­bella, hadn’t seen me in the col­lapsed state, which for­tu­nately she hadn’t.”

Good Samar­itan

James dis­covered that the man who per­formed CPR on him was at the centre by chance on that day. He said: “He has since told me that he only went there on that day because he had heard three years before that the place did very good oat­cakes for break­fast, so he went to try them.

“Also he said his father had died 20 years ago from a heart attack, and as a res­ult of that he decided to take a course on how to per­form CPR 18 years ago, which he put into action on me for the first time.

“I am so lucky that he was there and knew what to do and without doubt he saved my life, for which I am very grate­ful.”

James Lewis Weight Loss

Auctioneer James Lewis embarked on a weight loss journey following a cardiac arrest in September 2018. His first weigh-in with Slimming World saw him lose more than nine pounds. His target was to lose two stone by Christmas (2018) and then to keep going.

James Lewis Net Worth

Derby auctioneer James Lewis has an estimated net worth of £5 million.


He stands at a height of 5’10” (1.79 m).


He is of British nationality.